
An agreement of intent has been signed by the government of the samara region and new conception- povolzhye llc

an agreement of intent has been signed by the government of the samara region and new conception- povolzhye llc

On September 4th, 2017 Governor of the Samara region Merkushkin Nikolay Ivanovich and Director of New Conception – Povolzhye LLC Denisuk Andrey Nikolayevich signed an agreement of the company’s intent to implement an investment project on the territory of Industrial park “Chapaevsk” in urban district Chapaevsk of the Samara region.

The agreement stipulates a construction of an integrated enterprise on primary processing of outworn car tires. Estimated cost of the Investment project (anticipated volume of investor’s investments) is 1 250 000 000 rubles. At least 115 work places will have been created by the end of Investment project implementation and putting the Investment object into operation. Estimated project implementation period is years 2017-2019.